- Register for all workshops here: Click to register
- Join the “Be the Ripple – Spread Positivity Challenge”! It is free, simple and up-lifting. No registration needed. Just subscribe to my Youtube Channel and join along by taking simple, positive actions. Find out more by watching my Introductory video on Youtube.click here to watch my Introductory video
Click here for my Chakra breakdown
- Reiki Level I and Level II trainings.
Level 1 Training – Learn about Reiki, how to perform treatments on your self, family, friends and pets. Receive your level 1 attunement. Includes workbook, handouts and certificate.Date: TBD
Group training (3 or more students) $350.00 each student
Semi-private (2 students) $375.00 each student
Private Training $425.00 – individualized training
Classes TBD based on student interest. Classes can be held in-person, via zoom or in hybrid form as appropriate for individuals or group situations. Contact me for information by email: maristenhouse@gmail.com or by phone
Click here to view details Reiki Level 1 Flyer 01:22
- Reiki practice/refresher: Join me for this fun, impactful and healing program. We will meet in-person to network, refocus and to practice sending and receiving Reiki. Improve your energy work, gain insights and increase your comfort working and connecting with others. If you have experience with any Reiki level or other energy healing modalities this group is for you! Next session TBD. Energy exchange – $45. (healthy snacks provided)
- Introduction to the healing energy of Reiki – 1 hour relaxing, educational and healing class. You will learn what Reiki is, how to notice energy and have a chance to experience self-reiki treatments.Next session TBD. Energy exchange $25.
Flexible dates available for interested groups of 4 or more. Contact me with interest and we will set up a group.
- Simple self-care. A healthy happy hour for your spirit. – Commit to self-care! Learn and practice realistic strategies to nurture yourself (remember you can’t help others if you are depleted). Sign up now for the 4 week program, attend any of the individual sessions or gather your friends (minimum of 5) and pick your favorite happy hour time and I will do my best to work with your schedule.
Week 1: Creating space for self-care. (physically, emotionally and energetically)
Week 2: Mindful breathing and aromatherapy
Week 3: Creating balance- exploring and balancing chakras
Week 4: De-stressing- self massage and releasing pressure points to relieve anxiety, stress, and tension
Currently taking place via zoom. Join from anywhere.
The next scheduled program dates/times TBD. Bring a beverage of your choice (tea, wine, you decide), your favorite couch or chair, kick your feet up and focus on you.
Fees (energy exchange) $75.00 for the 4- week series or $20 for individual classes.
- NEW self-care happy hours series: $75 for all four classes or $20/each
Balancing your Chakras – Next program dates TBD. Click here for more information. Flyer- Chakra series- happy hour
- Don’t wait until you get cancer to live your life; 7 steps for living life now.
Dates TBA – Workshop and book. Encouraging self exploration, personal growth and insight through experiential exercises and strategies.Book and Workshop Flyer
- A Short Trip To La La Land – A self-care workshop for you and your employees — click here to learn more
For more information on registration or to book a workshop for your office or event, please contact Marianne via email or phone