
Marianne Stenhouse MSW, LMT, Reiki Master

Providing support, guidance and tools to help you regain and maintain balance in your life, even when you are walking on a rocky path.

Over my many years of practice in my work and my life, I have come to know the importance of acknowledging, supporting and nurturing one’s whole self; mind, body and spirit. I strive daily to practice what I teach and to teach what I practice. Personally my values can be seen in my life as a wife, mother and martial artist. I bring a nurturing, caring and highly educated presence to my work and my life. When we work together it is my loving intention to help you gain tools and experiences to encourage your self-care, rebalancing and positive growth. 

As a Reiki Master and Practitioner, I focus on integrating mind, body and spirit on an energetic level. I began working with energy healing many years ago as a massage therapist. At first I noticed warmth, vibrations and energetic changes within myself and my clients as I provided body work. This work led me to study Reiki, a Japanese Energy Healing Art. As a Reiki master/practitioner I can focus my work with this energy to encourage positive changes – balance, harmony and personal growth. I offer distance and in-person Reiki sessions. I also offer the option to include Reiki during a massage therapy session.

I teach several Reiki classes throughout the year.  Please check out the “Workshops and Classes” area of this website for upcoming Level 1 and Level 2 trainings, Introduction to Reiki classes, Reiki group practice and meditations sessions and other exciting workshops.

As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I provide integrative massage therapy for relaxation, stress reduction and specific injury.  Doing this work not only is helpful to my clients but also helps me to ground myself energetically, physically and emotionally. Helping me to practice and live life with balance and harmony.

Self-care/personal growth workshops-  Having worked as a licensed clinical social worker specializing in oncology for many years my work focused on helping people cope with huge challenges. I was privileged to help patients and families navigate their cancer journeys, work through grief and/or trauma and find ways to move forward in authentic and meaningful ways. This work was extremely powerful and impactful to me personally and encouraged my personal growth and exploration. Professionally I have spent many years and have extensive training in Reiki, mindfulness practices and therapeutic strategies. At this point in my career I have come full circle by integrating all I have mastered into my work; leading workshops, small groups and Reiki classes. I am passionate about sharing positive energy and encouraging others as they explore their values and goals so they may find ways to fulfill their potential.

In addition to the above workshops and groups, I offer groups related to my book, Don’t wait until you get cancer to live your life; 7 steps for living life now.  This book was written to help you explore how to live now with purpose and how you can find meaning, and  move forward, despite any obstacles standing in your way. Through experiential exercises you will learn new skills, gain insight and learn new coping strategies. I have created and I facilitate workshops to assist you along the way. Please see workshop section of this website for details.

Other credentials and awards: BA in Psychology from Brandeis University, MSW from SUNY @ Stony Brook, Received prestigious, “Spirit of Planetree” award in 2011 for my work at Longmont United Hospital. Retired LCSW; licensed clinical social worker, Retired OSW-C oncology social worker certified through the board of oncology social workers. Prior member of AOSW, Association of Oncology Social workers.I previously served as the Co-Chair of the Integrative Oncology Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Association of Oncology Social Workers. LMT: Licensed massage therapist, received degree from healing spirits massage therapy school in Boulder, CO.  Reiki Master level practitioner and instructor.

Previously served on the board of the pink ribbon survivors network – a non-profit website for cancer patients, caregivers and professionals.Pinkribbonsurvivorsnetwork.org.  As part of my work with this organization and Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers, I have had two abstracts accepted for professional presentations. These presentations showcase a support group (Empower Your Recovery) that myself and my colleague from RMCC created; one a poster presentation for the Breast Cancer Symposium in 2014 and the other for panel presentation at the AOSW national conference in May 2016. Most recently I presented at the 2017 AOSW national conference on the topic of integrative oncology.